Interface ContextAwareServiceResolver

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ContextAwareServiceResolver
    Resolves the best-matching context-aware service implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        <S extends ContextAwareService> S resolve​(@NotNull
                                                  @NotNull java.lang.Class<S> serviceClass,
                                                  @Nullable adaptable)
        Resolves the best-matching service implementation for the given resource context. Only implementations which accept the given context resource path (via the service properties defined in ContextAwareService) are considered as candidates. If multiple candidates exist the implementation with the highest service ranking is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        S - Service interface or class
        serviceClass - Service interface or class
        adaptable - Adaptable which is either a Resource or SlingHttpServletRequest. A resource instance is used directly for matching, in case of request the associated resource is used. May be null if no context is available.
        Service implementation or null if no match found.
      • resolveAll

        <S extends ContextAwareService> @NotNull ContextAwareServiceResolver.ResolveAllResult<S> resolveAll​(@NotNull
                                                                                                            @NotNull java.lang.Class<S> serviceClass,
                                                                                                            @Nullable adaptable)
        Resolves all matching service implementations for the given resource context. Only implementations which accept the given context resource path (via the service properties defined in ContextAwareService) are considered as candidates. The candidates are returned ordered descending by their service ranking.
        Type Parameters:
        S - Service interface or class
        serviceClass - Service interface or class
        adaptable - Adaptable which is either a Resource or SlingHttpServletRequest. A resource instance is used directly for matching, in case of request the associated resource is used. May be null if no context is available.
        Collection of all matching services
      • getCollectionResolver

        <S extends ContextAwareService> @NotNull ContextAwareServiceCollectionResolver<S,​java.lang.Void> getCollectionResolver​(@NotNull
                                                                                                                                     @NotNull java.util.Collection<org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference<S>> serviceReferenceCollection)
        Gets a ContextAwareServiceCollectionResolver which operates on a given collection of service references of the required service. This collection is usually managed by OSGi Declarative Services and expected to contain all services with the service interface ordered by service ranking (high to low). The collection resolver helps to get service(s) matching the resource context out of this list.
        Type Parameters:
        S - Service interface or class
        serviceReferenceCollection - Collection of service references
        Collection resolver
      • getCollectionResolver

        <S extends ContextAwareService,​D> @NotNull ContextAwareServiceCollectionResolver<S,​D> getCollectionResolver​(@NotNull
                                                                                                                                @NotNull java.util.Collection<org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference<S>> serviceReferenceCollection,
                                                                                                                                @NotNull java.util.function.BiFunction<@NotNull org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference<S>,​@Nullable S,​@Nullable D> decorator)
        Gets a ContextAwareServiceCollectionResolver which operates on a given collection of service references of the required service. This collection is usually managed by OSGi Declarative Services and expected to contain all services with the service interface ordered by service ranking (high to low). The collection resolver helps to get service(s) matching the resource context out of this list.
        Type Parameters:
        S - Service interface or class
        D - Decorator class that is calculated once for each item of the service objects collection.
        serviceReferenceCollection - Collection of service reference
        decorator - Creates decoration for each collection item once.
        Collection resolver