Annotation Type AemObject

    public @interface AemObject
    Injects common AEM objects that can be derived from a SlingHttpServletRequest. The injection is class-based, but may be supported by name hints when multiple targets are available for the same class.

    Supports the following objects:

    Supported objects
    Class Description Name hint Request ResourceResolver Resource
    PageManager AEM Page manager X X X
    Page AEM page addressed by the current request. Default to be injected for Page types. currentPage X X* X
    Page AEM page containing the current resource. resourcePage X X* X
    WCMMode Current AEM WCM mode X X* X*
    AuthoringUIMode Current AEM Authoring UI mode. Defaults to Touch UI if mode is not set. X X* X*
    ComponentContext AEM component context of current request X X* X*
    Designer AEM designer X X X
    Design AEM design of the current page X X* X
    Style AEM design style of the current component X X* X*
    XSSAPI AEM XSS API object for the current request X X* X*
    I18n I18n object for the current resource/page context. Default to be injected for I18n types. resourceI18n X X* X*
    I18n I18n object for the current user userI18n X X* X*
    TagManager AEM Tag manager X X X
    WorkflowSession Granite Workflow Session X X X

    In case of X* the class cannot be derived from the adaptable, but is derived from the request of the current thread detected via RequestContext. If the current thread is not associated with a request nothing is injected.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description injectionStrategy
      if set to REQUIRED injection is mandatory, if set to OPTIONAL injection is optional, in case of DEFAULT the standard annotations (Optional, Required) are used.
      java.lang.String name
      Specifies the name of the request attribute.
      boolean optional
    • Element Detail

      • name

        java.lang.String name
        Specifies the name of the request attribute. If empty or not set, then the name is derived from the method or field.

        For most injections of AemObject this is not required, it is only use as name-hint for injectint a Page object.

      • injectionStrategy injectionStrategy
        if set to REQUIRED injection is mandatory, if set to OPTIONAL injection is optional, in case of DEFAULT the standard annotations (Optional, Required) are used. If even those are not available the default injection strategy defined on the Model applies. Default value = DEFAULT.
        Injection strategy
      • optional

        boolean optional
        If set to true, the model can be instantiated even if there is no request attribute with the given name found. Default = false.