Release History

Version Date Description
1.11.0 2024-07-08  
1.10.0 2023-04-19  
1.9.0 2021-10-28  
1.8.2 2021-06-01  
1.8.0 2021-01-17  
1.7.0 2020-07-10  
1.6.2 2020-04-23  
1.6.0 2020-01-30  
1.5.4 2019-12-16  
1.5.2 2019-11-08  
1.5.0 2019-08-20  
1.4.0 2019-04-05  
1.3.0 2019-03-15  
1.2.0 2019-02-22  
1.1.4 2018-08-27  
1.1.2 2018-05-26  
1.1.0 2018-03-14  
1.0.4 2017-11-28  
1.0.2 2017-07-19  
1.0.0 2017-04-04  
0.6.2 2016-04-29  
0.6.0 2016-01-20  
0.5.6 2015-04-17  
0.5.4 2015-03-20  
0.5.2 2015-03-09  
0.5.0 2014-11-05  
0.1.0 2014-10-02  

Release 1.11.0 – 2024-07-08

Type Changes By
Add AemObjectsReflectionToStringBuilder to support reflection-based toString() methods with more compact/human-readable output of AEM-related objects. Fixes 1. sseifert
Switch to AEM 6.5.17 as minimum version. sseifert

Release 1.10.0 – 2023-04-19

Type Changes By
Switch to Java 11 as minimum version. sseifert
Switch to AEM 6.5.7 as minimum version. sseifert
Structure Element template: Switch to coralui3 client library. sseifert
Eliminate dependency to Guava. sseifert

Release 1.9.0 – 2021-10-28

Type Changes By
Provide a new "InstanceTypeService" which allows to detect whether the code is currently running on an author or publish instance. This is usually done via an OSGi configuration - but if this is not present the instance is "guessed" from other OSGi configurations, without relying on the deprecated SlingSettingsService.
New OSGi configuration " Commons AEM Instance Type" required, see System configuration.

Release 1.8.2 – 2021-06-01

Type Changes By
ComponentPropertyResolverFactory: Mark return values of get methods as @NotNull. sseifert
Add sling-initial-content-transform-maven-plugin to alternatively allow to deploy OSGi bundle and content as content package separately in AEMaaCS. Fixes WTOOL-72. sseifert

Release 1.8.0 – 2021-01-17

Type Changes By
Switch to AEM 6.4 as minimum version. sseifert
Switch to individual OSGi artifacts with compile dependency instead of osgi.core and osgi.cmpn with provided dependency. sseifert

Release 1.7.0 – 2020-07-10

Type Changes By
Add Path.isEditableTemplatePath method. sseifert

Release 1.6.2 – 2020-04-23

Type Changes By
ComponentPropertyResolver: Respect overriden resource type from request when checking for resource type-based property inheritance. sseifert

Release 1.6.0 – 2020-01-30

Type Changes By
ComponentPropertyResolver: Introduce ComponentPropertyResolverFactory to ensure local component resources can be resolved properly on publish instances.
New service user mapping required, see System configuration.
Switch to AEM 6.3 as minimum version. sseifert

Release 1.5.4 – 2019-12-16

Type Changes By
ComponentPropertyResolver: Workaround via local resource for getting properties from component child resources. sseifert

Release 1.5.2 – 2019-11-08

Type Changes By
ComponentPropertyResolver: Avoid NPE when trying to lookup the AEM component for synthetic resources without resource type. sseifert
Remove invalid closing meta tags from wcmInit markup. sseifert

Release 1.5.0 – 2019-08-20

Type Changes By
Component property resolver: add support for resolving properties from content policies. sseifert
Component property resolver: add support for resolving child resources. sseifert
Add "SVG", "TIFF", "WEBP" to ContentType and FileExtension classes. sseifert
Deprecate FileExtension methods: isImage, getImageFileExtensions, isFlash, getFlashFileExtensions. sseifert

Release 1.4.0 – 2019-04-05

Type Changes By
Add helper class EditableTemplate and model EditableTemplateSupport. sseifert
Add "PDF" to ContentType and FileExtension classes. sseifert

Release 1.3.0 – 2019-03-15

Type Changes By
Add bundle info service and version info model. sseifert
Add component property resolver. sseifert
Switch to AEM 6.2 as minimum version. sseifert

Release 1.2.0 – 2019-02-22

Type Changes By
Add Path.isExperienceFragment method. sseifert
Path: Support new version history path at /tmp/versionhistory used since AEM, 6.4.3 and 6.5. sseifert

Release 1.1.4 – 2018-08-27

Type Changes By
Add Jetbrains NotNull/Nullable annotations to API. sseifert
Undeprecate RunMode constants, but keep runmode-related methods deprecated. sseifert

Release 1.1.2 – 2018-05-26

Type Changes By
Set javax.inject dependency to provided. sseifert

Release 1.1.0 – 2018-03-14

Type Changes By
Add TemplatePageFilter to filter by TemplatePathInfo. amuthmann
Add Path utility class to get handle path structures in combination with AEM side-by-side comparison and launches. Fixes WCON-49. sseifert
Apply path rewrites from Path utility class before they are matched against Cotnext-Aware services patterns. Fixes WCON-49. sseifert

Release 1.0.4 – 2017-11-28

Type Changes By
Mark RunMode class as deprecated because it violates best practises. sseifert

Release 1.0.2 – 2017-07-19

Type Changes By
DenyWcmDisabled model: Make HTTP error code configurable. cnagel

Release 1.0.0 – 2017-04-04

Type Changes By
Switch to AEM 6.1 and Java 8 as minimum versions. sseifert
Do not add /apps/ prefix to resource type by default. sseifert

Release 0.6.2 – 2016-04-29

Type Changes By
Relax package version dependency for javax.inject to support AEM60, AEM61 and AEM62. sseifert

Release 0.6.0 – 2016-01-20

Type Changes By
Add Template and TemplatePathInfo for easier managing "AppTemplate" enums. sseifert
Add simple structure element template (by default not active). sseifert
Remove page properties customization to stick with default page properties from AEM by default. Should be overwritten only on project level. sseifert
Set AEM API and OSGi dependencies to provided scope. sseifert

Release 0.5.6 – 2015-04-17

Type Changes By
wcmInit: Fix syntax error in render.html. sseifert

Release 0.5.4 – 2015-03-20

Type Changes By
wcmInit: Fix check for disabled WCM mode. sseifert

Release 0.5.2 – 2015-03-09

Type Changes By
ModificationDate.mostRecent(page array): avoid NPE when one of the pages has no modification date. sseifert
Make OSGi package imports compatbile with AEM61. sseifert

Release 0.5.0 – 2014-11-05

Type Changes By
Initial release. sseifert

Release 0.1.0 – 2014-10-02

Type Changes By
Preliminary release. sseifert

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Version: 1.11.1-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2024-07-08.