
It is possible to set “component properties” that affect the media handling process for a component as a whole, without having to pass them in the Java Code using the the Media Handler API. These component properties act as default values for both the media handling process and for Granite UI widgets that are used in dialog definitions. They are also used for customizing the cropping ratios in the in-place image editor.

Component properties can be defined at two locations:

  • As properties in content policies assigned to the component via the AEM template editor
  • As properties in the component resource referenced from the content via sling:resourceType
    • Also supports inheritance from super components referenced via sling:resourceSuperType

Content policies have higher precedence than properties defined on the component resource.

Component properties

The following component properties are supported:

Property name Description
wcmio:mediaFormats List of media formats accepted by this component (at least one is expected to be resolved).
wcmio:mediaFormatsMandatoryNames List of mandatory media formats (all of them are expected to be resolved).
wcmio:mediaFormatsMandatory List of boolean flags matching the entires of the wcmio:mediaFormats parameter marking some media formats as mandatory.
wcmio:mediaCropAuto Enable “auto-cropping” mode for this component by setting to true.
wcmio:mediaResponsiveType Set responsive image handling type explicitly by setting to imageSizes or pictureSources.

Child resource wcmio:mediaResponsiveImageSizes

By defining a child resource named wcmio:mediaResponsiveImageSizes the responsive image mode with setting sizes and srcset attributes on the img element is enabled. The child resource has these properties:

Property name Description
sizes A valid source size list. Example: (min-width: 1280px) 1200px, 100vw.
widths Widths for the renditions in the srcset attribute, based on the primary media format. Separate widths by ‘,’. Suffix optional widths with ‘?’. Example: 768,1024,2048?.
You may also use density descriptors for each width separated by ‘:’, e.g. 1024,2048:2x?.
Note: Do not use density descriptors together with sizes otherwise density descriptors are ignored and srcset is generated with width descriptors.

Child resource wcmio:mediaResponsivePictureSources

By defining a child resource named wcmio:mediaResponsivePictureSources the responsive image mode with setting picture and source elements enabled. The child resource has a list of additional child resources, with the following properties for each of them:

Property name Description
mediaFormat Media format with ratio for the renditions of the source element.
media Optional. A valid media query list. Example: (min-width: 1024px).
sizes Optional. A valid source size list. Example: (min-width: 1280px) 1200px, 100vw.
widths Widths for the renditions in the srcset attribute, based on the primary media format. Separate widths by ‘,’. Suffix optional widths with ‘?’. Example: 768,1024,2048?.
You may also use density descriptors for each width separated by ‘:’, e.g. 1024,2048:2x?.
Note: Do not use density descriptors together with sizes otherwise density descriptors are ignored and srcset is generated with width descriptors.

Content Policy Dialog Snippets

The Media Handler provides snippets for Touch UI design dialogs that can be used for defining the component properties via Content Policies.

Media Format Selection

Dialog snippet /apps/wcm-io/handler/media/components/global/include/mediaFormatSelection:

Media Format Selection

Responsive Image Settings

Dialog snippet /apps/wcm-io/handler/media/components/global/include/responsiveImageSettings:

Responsive Image Settings - Image Sizes

Responsive Image Settings - Image Densities

Responsive Image Settings - Picture Source

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Version: 2.4.3-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2025-02-19.