Full name:



Extracts Sling-Initial-Content from an OSGi bundle and attaches two artifacts with classifiers:

  • bundle: OSGi bundle without the Sling-Initial-Content
  • content: Content packages with the Sling-Initial-Content transformed to FileVault


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • The goal is thread-safe and supports parallel builds.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: package.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<file> File - The name of the OSGi bundle file to process.
Default: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.jar
<generateBundle> boolean - Generate attached "bundle" artifact with OSGi bundle without Sling-Initial-Content.
Default: true
<generateContent> boolean - Generate attached "content" artifact with content package with Sling-Initial-Content.
Default: true
<group> String - The group of the content package.
Default: ${project.groupId}

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<skip> boolean - Allows to skip the plugin execution.
Default: false
User Property: slinginitialcontenttransform.skip
<xmlNamespaces> Map<String,String> - Additional XML namespace mappings.

Parameter Details


The name of the OSGi bundle file to process.
  • Type: java.io.File
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: ${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}.jar


Generate attached "bundle" artifact with OSGi bundle without Sling-Initial-Content.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: true


Generate attached "content" artifact with content package with Sling-Initial-Content.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: true


The group of the content package.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: ${project.groupId}


Allows to skip the plugin execution.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: slinginitialcontenttransform.skip
  • Default: false


Additional XML namespace mappings.
  • Type: java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
  • Required: No

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Version: 1.1.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2024-12-09.