Paragraph system in sightly template

To use the paragraph system in your sightly template:

<sly data-sly-resource="${'./content'
    @ resourceType='wcm-io/wcm/parsys/components/parsys'}" />

Configure allowed components

To define which components are allowed in your paragraph system you create a node wcmio:parsysConfig in your page component (similar to nodes like cq:dialog and cq:editConfig). Example:

"wcmio:parsysConfig": {
  "jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
  "paths": {

    /* Allowed components in jcr:content/content node */
    "content": {
      "allowedChildren": [

    /* Allowed components in jcr:content/leftcol/teasers node */
    "leftcol_teasers": {
      "path": "jcr:content/leftcol/teasers",
      "allowedChildren": [

    /* Allowed components in a nested parsys 'customparsys'  */
    "nested_parsys": {
      "pattern": "^jcr:content/.*$",
      "allowedParents": [
      "allowedChildren": [


A wcmio:parsysConfig contains always a paths node defining the allowance definition. Each definition has node name, and a set of properties defining the allowance. Supported properties:

  • allowedChildren: Array with resource types of the components allowed for this path definition.

  • deniedChildren: Array with resource types not allowed at the defined position. This allows neglecting allowances defined in super resource types.

  • path: Optional. Defines the exact relative of the paragraph system inside the page relative to page root node (without leading slash but including jcr:content). If this property is not set it is derived from the node name of the path definition. In this case the node name is prefixed with jcr:content/. If you want to define a deeper path you have to specify the path property.

  • pattern: Optional. Instead of the path property you can define a regular expression for matching the relative path (again, without leading slash, but including jcr:content). The component is allowed for all paragraph systems for which the path pattern matches.

  • allowedParents: Optional. Defines an additional restriction to the path or path pattern to allow components only below certain parent components. The parent components are references by their resource types.

  • parentAncestorLevel: Optional. Only supported together with allowedParents. Two possible values are allowed:

    • 1: allowedParents restriction is applied to the paragraph system component itself (the direct parent of the component). This is the default mode.
    • 2: allowedParents restriction is applied to the component that contains the paragraph system (the grand-parent of the component).
  • inherit: If you have an inheritance hierarchy of page components using sling:resourceSuperType you can define a wcmio:parsysConfig on each level of this hierarchy. The definitions are merged together according to the inheritance hierarchy. Thus it is possible to centrally define global allowed components rules for all page components in your application. If you want to disabled this behavior add this this property and set it to false.

Via the OSGi factory configuration Paragraph System Configuration Extension it is possible to define additional allowed components definitions via the Felix Console. It supports the same properties as listed above, and additionally:

  • pageComponentPath: Resource type of the page component this configuration should apply to

Customize the paragraph system markup

You can set the following property in the component node of the paragraph system to customize the markup:

  • wcmio:parsysGenerateDefaultCss: Generates CSS classes by default: “section” on each paragraph/new area and “clear:both” on a new area. This is a boolean property and defaults to true if not set.

  • wcmio:parsysParagraphCss: Defines additional custom CSS classes to be set on each paragraph.

  • wcmio:parsysNewAreaCss: Defines additional custom CSS classes to be set on the new area.

  • wcmio:parsysParagraphElement: Sets the element name to be used for the element wrapping each paragraph component. Defaults to decoration tag name of the component.

  • wcmio:parsysParagraphNoDecorationWcmMode: Can be set to a list of WCM modes. When one of the given WCM modes is active, the decoration tag for the paragraph items is not rendered.

  • wcmio:parsysParagraphValidate: If set to true, each paragraph item is validated. If it is not valid, it's hidden when wcmmode=disabled. To validate the paragraph item a Sling Model has to be implemented registered to the adapter io.wcm.wcm.parsys.ParsysItem and the resource type of the paragraph item's resource.

  • wcmio:parsysWrapperElement: Sets the element name to be used for the element wrapping the whole paragraph system. If not set no wrapping element is generated for the paragraph system.

  • wcmio:parsysWrapperCss: Defines custom CSS classes to be set on the wrapper element.


  "jcr:primaryType": "cq:Component",
  "sling:resourceSuperType": "wcm-io/wcm/parsys/components/parsys",
  "cq:isContainer": true,
  "wcmio:parsysWrapperElement": "ul",
  "wcmio:parsysWrapperCss": "link-list",
  "wcmio:parsysParagraphElement": "li",
  "wcmio:parsysParagraphCss": "link-list-item",
  "wcmio:parsysNewAreaCss": "link-list-item"


  • The properties wcmio:parsysParagraphCss and wcmio:parsysParagraphElement do not work properly when inserting or editing components without configuring a REFRESH_PARENT event on the afterinsert and afteredit events for the child components. It is recommended to use cq:htmlTag definition on the parsys child components instead - example:
  "jcr:primaryType": "cq:Component",
  "jcr:title": "My Component",
  "cq:htmlTag": {
    "cq:tagName": "li",
    "class": "link-list-item"
  • Although technically possible it is not recommended to copy and overlay the Sightly script of the paragraph system, it may change in future versions.

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Version: 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2024-12-09.