
Form checkbox for boolean data.

"field": {
  "sling:resourceType": "wcm-io/wcm/ui/granite/components/form/checkbox",
  "name": "./field",
  "fieldDescription": "Description for checkbox",
  "text": "Check this"

Enhancements over AEM version:

  • Store with correct Boolean datatype via explicit @TypeHint
  • Writes ‘true’ when checked

Number Field

Number field for long value.

"field": {
  "sling:resourceType": "wcm-io/wcm/ui/granite/components/form/numberfield",
  "name": "./field",
  "fieldLabel": "Number"

Enhancements over AEM version:

  • Store with correct Long datatype via explicit @TypeHint

Date Picker

Form field for date/time value.

"field": {
  "sling:resourceType": "wcm-io/wcm/ui/granite/components/form/datepicker",
  "displayedFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm",
  "name": "./field",
  "type": "datetime",
  "fieldLabel": "Date"

Enhancements over AEM version:

  • Store with correct Date datatype via explicit @TypeHint


Select form field.

"field": {
  "sling:resourceType": "wcm-io/wcm/ui/granite/components/form/select",
  "name": "./field",
  "multiple": true,
  "fieldLabel": "Select"

Enhancements over AEM version:

  • Always stores values as array if “multiple” mode is activated, regardless how many entries are selected.

Path Field

Path Field component

A field that allows the user to enter path. This path field can be used for both picking page paths or asset paths.

"field": {
  "sling:resourceType": "wcm-io/wcm/ui/granite/components/form/pathfield",
  "name": "./field",
  "rootPath": "/content"

Enhancements over AEM version:

  • Keep repository order for orderable parent nodes (e.g. pages)
  • Always display root path in an extra column, so it can be selected as well
  • Path field always displays only the subtree of the configured root path, regardless if the given path value has a path outside the root path
  • Limit search result to pages and assets
  • Hides certain “AEM-internal” content paths which should not be shown when picking pages or assets
  • Provide appendPath parameter that allows to add an additional sub path to the configured root path
  • Supports any resource-based predicates as filter (and not only folder, hierarchy, hierarchyNotFile, nosystem)
  • Automatically applies a nodeTypes filter when none is configured (cq:Page or dam:Asset, depending on root path)

Config-Scope Path Browser (deprecated)

This is a customized Path Field/Browser that always sets the root path to the inner-most configuration scope root. If you want to show only pages of the current site, consider using the Site Root Path Picker from URL Handler Granite UI components.

Requires proper configuration of Apache Sling Context-Aware configuration, see also Context-Aware Configuration.

"field": {
  "sling:resourceType": "wcm-io/wcm/ui/granite/components/form/configScopePathBrowser",
  "name": "./field",
  "fieldLabel": "Internal Page"

Enhancements over AEM version:

  • Dynamically sets the rootPath to the configuration scope root.
  • Optional config parameter appendPath: provides a relative path (starting with “/”) which is appended to the detected root path

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Version: 1.10.7-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2025-03-04.