Collection of CoralUI 3 validators.

E-Mail validator

Validates a string against a predefined E-Mail pattern.

"email": {
  "sling:resourceType": "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textfield",
  "name": "./email",
  "fieldLabel": "E-Mail",
  "validation": [""]

Examples for matching values:


URL validator

Validates a string against a predefined URL pattern.

"url": {
  "sling:resourceType": "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textfield",
  "name": "./url",
  "fieldLabel": "URL",
  "validation": ["wcmio.url"]

Examples for matching values:

  • //
  • tel:+123 456 789

Path validator

Validates a string against a predefined content path pattern.

"url": {
  "sling:resourceType": "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textfield",
  "name": "./path",
  "fieldLabel": "Path",
  "validation": ["wcmio.path"]

Examples for matching values:

  • /content/site1/page1
  • /content/dam/sample.jpg

Pattern validator

Validates a string against a custom regex pattern. A custom validation message can be provided as well.

"hex": {
  "sling:resourceType": "granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/textfield",
  "name": "./hex",
  "fieldLabel": "Hex Number",
  "validation": ["wcmio.pattern"],
  "granite:data": {
    "wcmio-pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]+$",
    "wcmio-patternmessage": "Must be a valid hexadecimal number."

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Version: 1.10.5-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2024-12-09.