About Maven Archetype for AEM
Maven Archetype for creating new AEM projects.
The wcm.io Maven Archetype for AEM allows you to set up new Maven projects for developing AEM applications. The archetype is very flexible and can be customized to your needs using several options.
- Supports AEM 6.5 (with latest service pack) and AEM as a Cloud Service (AEMaaCS)
- Supports Java 11, 17 and 21
- Unit Tests based on JUnit 5 and AEM Mocks
- Supports both Sling-Initial-Content JSON-style project layout and FileVault package layout
- Based on CONGA to manage AEM configuration and package deployment
- Based on AEM Core WCM Components, using Editable Templates is optional
- Optional inclusion of latest service packs
- Optional integration with a Webpack-based Frontend Build
- Optional support for Sling Context-Aware Configuration and wcm.io Context-Aware Configuration Extensions
- Optional support for wcm.io Handler infrastructure and wcm.io WCM Core Components
- Optional support for ACS AEM Commons
See Usage for a detailed documentation.
If you want to setup AEM infrastructure for deployment of this project you can use the Maven Archetype for AEM Configuration Management.
GitHub Repository
Sources: https://github.com/wcm-io/io.wcm.maven.archetypes.aem
Further Resources
- adaptTo() 2018 Talk: Maven Archetypes for AEM
- adaptTo() 2017 Talk: Ease Development with Apache Sling File System Resource Provider - about the “Sling-Initial-Content JSON-style” project layout and it's benefits
Alternatively to the wcm.io AEM archetype you can use these tools to set up new AEM projects:
- Adobe AEM project archetype - Supports only FileVault package layout and the most recent AEM version
- ACS AEM Lazybones Templates - Supports only FileVault package layout. Configuration is quite flexible regarding AEM versions and ACS AEM Commons usage.