wcm.io WCM Core Component Overview
Enhanced AEM WCM Core Components
Enhanced with MEDIA Media Handler, LINK Link Handler, RICHTEXT RichText Handler, URL URL Handler.
Template Components
- Page (v3) | (v2) MEDIA
- Navigation (v2) | (v1) LINK URL
- Language Navigation (v2) | (v1) LINK
- Breadcrumb (v3) | (v2) LINK URL
- Quick Search (v2) | (v1)
- Table of Contents (v1)
Page Authoring Components
- Title (v3) | v2 LINK
- Image (v3) | (v2) MEDIA LINK
- Button (v2) | (v1) LINK
- Teaser (v2) | (v1) MEDIA LINK RICHTEXT
- List (v4) | (v3) | (v2) LINK
- Download (v2) | (v1) MEDIA
- PDF Viewer (v1)
- Embed (v2) | (v1)
- Progress Bar (v1)
- Separator (v1)
- Experience Fragment (v2) | (v1)
- Content Fragment (v1)
- Content Fragment List (v2) | (v1)
Container Components
Form Components
New wcm.io Core Components
Page Authoring Components
- wcm.io Responsive Image (v1) MEDIA LINK
Unsupported AEM WCM Core Components
Page Authoring Components
- Sharing (v1)